Dhanush Speech | Vaathi - Audio Launch | Best Moments | Dhanush | Sun TV

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Published at : February 19, 2023

Actor Dhanush talks about the importance of education, revisits his school life and shares some of his favourite moments about his 90s crush. Don't miss this segment.

Watch "Vaathi Audio Launch" full show on Sun NXT app - https://sunnxt.page.link/Va-AL

Vaathi is an upcoming Indian period coming-of-age action drama film written and directed by Venky Atluri. It is shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu languages. Produced by Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, the film stars Dhanush and Samyuktha Menon.

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--------------------------------------------------------- Dhanush Speech | Vaathi - Audio Launch | Best Moments | Dhanush | Sun TV
dhanushdhanush speechvaathi